Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy Caturday to everybody, just thought I'd swing by and introduce myself here on the ol' Scum City Racing blog. For those of you playing along at home, I'm gonna be posting the occasional ramble here and there about cycling, bacon, facon(if you're so inclined) and of course the important things in life. Such as terrible made for Syfy movies. I'm a Clevo messenger by trade and a bad and by bad I mean horrible cross racer(honest to god that junior snaked my line at the end, check that 12 year old for EPO).
Most of my material will be the strange nature of riding a bike in Cleveland, sights I've come across and other bits of fun. I will do my best to never be that serious, or to bore you with anything that is too stupid. Ok, forgive the occasional Charles in Charge reference. Expect gear reviews, and beer reviews. Mostly my opinions on the frivolous things in life.
So I look forward to hearing comments about how I'm a terrible writer, racer and father. Strike that last one I haven't been on Maury Povich yet so I can't possibly be a parent.
I have a new bike build coming up, which I'm particularly stoked about so I look forward to showing you that process as it goes along. I think I might finally get the fixed gear frame I want! Shocking I know! Well that's all for now my two readers, have a good weekend and keep it rubber side down.


  1. new bike build? are you hastily abandoning sscx? i hopez snot

  2. Never abandon singlespeed! Actually its a work bike.
