Sunday, February 13, 2011

The search begins!

Not for anything necessary, but for the most necessary. Team Scum City needs a team cocktail, something that screams "class". I figure the tour winners get to drink Champagne so why can't the rest of us? Not that we can afford that on our budgets, but something that fits within our standards and fits our personality not this although this is the obvious choice. And for fucks sakes certainly not this. So, without team approval, I'm opening up a contest to help us out with our team drink. If you choose to undertake this endeavor and we pick your recipe we will reward you beyond your wildest dreams. If your wildest dreams include drinks at happy hour only, and only at a place where I get a discount.

It is also a distinct possibility we will pick none of yours, because we're kinda jerks like that from time to time.

Warmer weather in this fair city, although I didn't ride today at all. God bless netflix streaming and its ability to destroy a whole sunday in a flash, although I didn't watch Human Centipede, again, I did catch the second installment of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo movies which I highly recomend. Fantastic storyline, well produced and the characters are just awesome and so well developed.

I look forward to seeing more people on the road starting here in a bit. I miss commuters, and got to have some fun conversations over the years riding in.

On to news of the absurd, and I'm talking about this. My knowlege of Texas Hip Hop is really bad so I'm not gonna even venture a guess as to why this is a real product. As a guy who occasionally can't sleep from time to time it seems like a something akin to home made Ruphys so I'll just steer clear of this for possibly well.... ever.
Back on the bike, Has the time of Deep V rims come and gone yet? It seems to be the your rims nowadays are getting deeper and deeper to the point where maybe in five years all urban track bikes will just have a full disc wheel on the back and an aerospoke on the front. Another component I will be really happy to see off bikes, as I find them silly and absurd.
I hope everybody polished up their bikes for the monday commute. I know I didn't bother to. Stay out of trouble, and feel free to post comments with drink recipes. Or just give them to me at work, and hope I don't lose them. Keep it rubber side down out there!