Thursday, October 20, 2011


For those of you who don't pay attention, the land of Cleves just had its wettest year ever. Not in that good fun way you dirty dirty readers. By readers you know I"m talking to two people. Did I move to portland? Are we San Fransisco East? These are taxing mental questions right before work. With last weeks race canceled I truly hope that the team didn't forget how to ride a bike, Captain George I'm looking your way! I on a personal note survived yet another birthday with absolutely no deaths or mayhem. I'm getting good at that in my old age.
Also, to the other messengers who read this, invest in a shoe dryer. I bought one this year and it's the best purchase I've made in half a forever. Put soaked shoes on them, in the morning put on dry non stinky shoes. I can't rightly tell how it works. It involves physics I think.
Well, it's time for this guy to go earn his 14 dollars, the hard way.


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