Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Daylight savings whaaat?

Happy Tuesday. It's tuesday right?I think it is, I'm running with that. A few things, sorry I've not been checking in I've been busy with stuff and things, and things and stuff. SCUM CITY KILLED IT AT UCI! I haven't found the standings yet for a link, but rest assured we kilt it. In the face, with our fists. Which makes me a happy guy.

Now onto some bidness. Are you a local racer looking for a team? Scum City wants you, fabulous benefits include unlimited time with Captain George, all the beer you can afford to drink that you bring on your own, and of course punch and pie. We, like most teams will require a time commitment so if you're interested flag one of us down. I'll suspend the required tramp stamp tattoo for the guys for this year. ONLY THIS YEAR. I look forward to ruining the racing careers by having you associated with us.

Ok, I'll let you all get back to watching internet cat videos.


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